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This is definitely advice I need to take every single day. It simply is to be the you of tomorrow…today. You see, I often feel like we (including myself) think about who we want or wish we could be in the future, and while I don’t think its bad to hope and dream, we shouldn’t forget that the you of tomorrow starts today. I want you to think about who you would like to be tomorrow, and I mean that in the most practical way possible. Let’s take for example a situation from my own life:

I usually get out of work and head on home. On my way home I have all these great plans for working out, eating, then doing something productive like posting a blog post, learning something new, or even going to bed early. However what ends up happening is that I get home and my stomach screams out in hunger and fights with my brain because it hasn’t eaten anything in the last three hours. My stomach wins, every time. Then I realize I ate too much and not only do I not feel like working out but I use the excuse that its already too late in the evening and I need to actually do something productive instead of working out because I can always workout tomorrow. Unfortunately we all know that tomorrow never comes and that tomorrow will always be tomorrow if we don’t start taking action today. In other words we’ll keep putting things off until tomorrow, and never get anything done.

So, what does that mean? That means you need to do a few things, plan for tomorrow, but when tomorrow becomes today, DO IT. Don’t question it, don’t hesitate, don’t make excuses, just go out there and DO IT ( I know I probably sound like a spokes person for the worlds favorite brand, Nike). Do whatever you said you were going to do and then maybe even do what you planned for tomorrow, today, or at least get started on it. If you just keep putting it off, it will never get done and you’ll continue to be frustrated with yourself for not getting it done. The only other piece of advice is to cut off anything that distracts you from accomplishing your goal/task. I know you know what it is that hinders you, so cut that distraction out and just go out there and do it.

– Roenel

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